Friday, March 25, 2005

Scientific website

I just discovered a wonderful website that explains the evidence for the mainstream scientific concensus regarding evolution and the age of the earth. It is called The Talk.Origins Archive. The site is really large and is fascinating to explore.

Here is a description from the welcome page:

The Talk.Origins Archive is a collection of articles and essays that explore the creationism/evolution controversy from a mainstream scientific perspective. In other words, the authors of most of the articles in this archive accept the prevailing scientific view that the earth is ancient, that there was no global flood, and that evolution is responsible for the earth's present biodiversity.

I think it behooves those of us who are horrified by the current suppression and devaluing of scientific thought to acquaint ourselves with what science has actually discovered. Have fun with this!


  1. Hi, Johnny. Thanks for stopping by.
    Yes, I've been reading about the dinosaur soft tissue as well today. VERY interesting.

    We just keep learning and learning. I just hope the fundies don't manage so to supress scientific research that we lose sight of how important it really IS to keep on learning.

  2. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I just now had a chance to check out the website. It is a really informative and educational site. Thank you for recommending it.
    Carolyn L.


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