Thursday, September 15, 2005

The immoral presidency

There's an article on Smirking Chimp this morning that comes right out and states that the Bush presidency is immoral. In fact, the title of the article is "The immoral presidency of George W. Bush" and it's by W. Christopher Epler. Here are a couple of excerpts:

George Bush can't "photo-op" away what he did to New Orleans. This man must answer, if not to God, at least to the conscience of all Americans, since his role in the anguish of New Orleans was flagrantly immoral.

The facts are simple: First he destroyed the protective wet lands, then he stopped the life and death funding for the levees, and then he couldn't be bothered by the inevitable horror which followed these criminally short sighted decisions (folks in New Orleans knew he had doomed their fabulous city long before Katrina).

Plus, why was Katrina so lethal in the first place? That's easy. It's because she picked up energy as she moved across the warmer than usual waters. And why were the waters warmer than usual? It's spelled: G-L-O-B-A-L W-A-R-M-I-N-G, Mr. President.
So simple. So heart breakingly simple. This man's administration is all about making pig rich people pig richer. That's it! That's the whole story. Where have our retirements disappeared to? Why has educational funding and medical/scientific research dried up? Why have millions of Americans (and children!) lost their health care during this man's administration? And why has Mother Nature been turned into a whore for Texas energy companies?

Answer: $$$$$. But not $$$$$ for us! $$$$$ for the top 2 or 3 percent of the country.

That's what happened to New Orleans. No money for the levees. Why not? Well, keeping the levees in repair would have dipped into tax breaks for multi millionaires -- and the much lied about war in Iraq.

What Epler is talking about is exactly what the mainstream press won't touch. The consequences of Bush's policies need to hammered home over and over on the nightly news. But it will never happen. Only the pictures of desperate, starving people and bloated bodies that could not be hidden in the early days of this disaster have caused people to wake up. And whether that awakened awareness is lasting remains to be seen.

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