Saturday, May 13, 2006

McCain sells out

Well, you know by now that McCain gave the commencement address at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University today, don't you? Here are a couple of passages from the report by CNN:

As a candidate in the 2000 presidential race, McCain had lambasted Falwell as an agent of intolerance. The former Vietnam prisoner of war, a potential presidential hopeful in 2008, has put aside his differences with the minister, who has large following among Christian conservatives.


After the commencement speech, Falwell told CNN that if McCain "continues on the track he's on now, he in fact could co-opt the religious conservatives of the country, in the same way President Bush did, to help him to the White House."

"Anybody but Hillary," said Falwell, referring to U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-New York, the former first lady who has been mentioned as a possible Democratic candidate for president.

Falwell said that he and McCain argue "a good bit." "While we are both pro-life, pro-family, [on] a lot of things, like global warming and other issues ... we discuss pretty aggressively. But we do it as friends. And I very much respect the senator," he said.

He said McCain or others have a chance to gain the support of evangelical Christians if "he or she espouses the same values that we espouse,"

He also mentioned other "good people," such as Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tennessee; Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pennsylvania; and Sen. George Allen, R-Virginia.

McCain has no personal integrity. He's willing to get in bed with anybody if it will gain him the presidency. After all, he was willing to make nice with Bush who conducted a disgraceful smear campaign against him.



  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Never heard a better a better reason to back Hillary Clinton. I thought she had become pretty spineless, but if Falwell wants anybody but her I may need to re-evaluate my thinking.
    Carolyn L.

  2. Excellent point, Carolyn!

  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I still think that Hillary is spineless; she won't have my vote. Although I abhor everything that Falwell believes, he at least believes in something.If Hillary does, I haven't detected it yet. If you have, please help. Marilyn


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