Thursday, June 01, 2006

A prediction

One of my favorite commenters on Smirking Chimp posts as JamesPB. Here's something he had to say today:

This is gonna be great. Aside from the arctic polar ice cap melting; gas is going to cost $15 a gallon; no employers will be offering pensions or health care insurance of any kinds; the average health care policy for a 40 year old and family will be $25,000 a year; employers will routinely fire people just because they don't want employees for more than five years; a college education will cost more than $250,000 and will mean little or nothing upon graduation; even doctors, lawyers and engineers will have trouble finding work at a professional salary. Also, Bush will have destroyed our public education system.

Maybe we can try, convict and sentence him at some time after he leaves office.

I wish I thought he was being unnecessarily alarmist. But I don't. I think what he is predicting is actually very likely.

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