Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The true moral outrage

I found this comment on Father Jake Stops the World:

If people are so concerned about the moral health of our nation, then they should take a look at what Congress is about to do; repeal the estate tax. Now there's a real affront to all morals and decency.

The richest Americans are about to get what amouts to a government subsidy paid for by all the rest of us, and taking bread out of the mouths of the poor. Paris Hilton is about to get a huge multi-million dollar tax break while New Orleans still lies in ruins and our veterans (especially from the reserves) return from combat forced to buy their own health care coverage, and to benefits drastically cut by all those same chicken hawk legislators who yell the loudest to support the troops.

If you want to see a real scandal, then quit peaking in bedsheets and take a look at C-Span.

I just can't believe they're going to do this - and with our deficit too. It's obscenely immoral.

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