Thursday, August 24, 2006

More good news blogging

The good news is that Americans are waking up. A recent Zogby poll has learned that over the last two years, more Americans have become convinced of the reality of global climate change. Here are some of the findings:

* 74 percent are more convinced that global warming is happening than they were two years ago, while only one in five are now less convinced.

* 70 percent of respondents also linked
severe weather to global warming.

* 72 percent thought reducing industrial
greenhouse gas emissions could improve the environment without affecting the economy.

* Democrats (87 percent), Independents (82 percent) and Republicans (56 percent) are much more convinced that global warming is happening than they were two years ago.

Now here's something really interesting. A population that is generally conservative wants action on global warming. Take a look:

A poll conducted by the [National Wildlife Federation] earlier this year found that the majority of hunters and fishermen think the country is on the wrong track with its energy policy and should be a leader in combating global warming.

Let's hope policy makers are paying attention. If they are then the recent polls provide good news indeed.

UPDATE: The insurance companies are convinced of the reality of global warming. Check out this CNN article entitled "Insurance companies take on global warming".The conclusion is encouraging:

It will be interesting to see whether the insurers will now join in the Washington debate over climate change. Such influential companies as General Electric, Wal-Mart and Shell now say that they believe that the government should regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

If big insurers join them, their voices will be taken seriously on Capitol Hill and elsewhere. They could once again help make the world safer for the rest of us.

Let's face it - the Bush administration is only going to listen to big business. So if big business is finally starting to pay attention, good for them.

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