Friday, September 29, 2006


Here's part of a comment I found on Father Jake Stops the World:

And if you want evil, I put to you what the Evangelically-elected Republican Senate of these United states did yesterday. Good Christians, nearly every one of them.Yesterday they legalized torture.

Yesterday, they eliminated habeus corpus. Yesterday, they decided the Constitution isn't worth the paper it was inscribed upon.

Today, they can grab any non-American off the streets and waterboard him, rape him, put him in a cage. They can hold him forever without a trial. They can convict him and sentence him to death using evidence against him that he cannot even see to refute. Even if he is innocent. He can be legally "disappeared".

Tomorrow, they can do it to you, or to me. Think they can't? What ever happened to Jose Padilla? See
this speech for what this means.

I'm sorry, but there is an evil conservatism in the ascendant.

The speech is by Democratic Congresswoman Louise Slaughter speaking against the bill that passed yesterday. I recommend that you click through and read it. It will break your heart.

What sickens me is that there were actually Democrats in both houses who voted for this bill. I'm ashamed to be an American and a Democrat for that matter. The fact that the Democrats did not filibuster is simply beyond belief.

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