Thursday, December 07, 2006

Have a green Christmas

Greenpeace has a page devoted to making your holiday season more green. You might want to check it out. Here's a sample:

1: Give a compact fluorescent light bulb or two as gifts. Save your friends and family money and save the planet too. Old-fashioned light bulbs waste 85% of their energy in heat and don't last long. Compact florescent bulbs these days come in all shapes, sizes, and colours. A 100% compact florescent household makes a great New Year's resolution, and a good investment in energy (and money!) savings.

There are eleven more suggestions.

And, on the subject of New Year's commitments, you might like to take a look at the page called 12 Steps which is about using less energy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Ooooo that's a good resolution to start 2007 with. I'm going for the whole "less work, more play" angle. You should enter yours over here: Who couldn't use a free night out?


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