Sunday, December 17, 2006


From a CNN article:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Tim Johnson has shown significant improvement after brain surgery and doctors say "everything is going to be just fine," Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said Sunday.

Remember, if Johnson had died or resigned due to incapcitation, the Republicans would have regained power in the Senate.


  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Yes, but the good news is that he is not obligated to resign for temporary incapacitation. A get well ecard can be signed at Marilyn

  2. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I am totally disgusted by the press on this. This man's life was at stake and all anyone wants to talk about is whether the Democrats or Republicans will hold the power in the Senate. Yes, I realize the political implications, but this man has family and friends who love him and probably could give a rats ass about the power in the Senate. Politics, and the press coverage of politics, makes me more and more sick every day. Our priorities have become so distorted and twisted it really doesn't matter who holds power in the Senate.


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