Wednesday, December 13, 2006

That "family values" crowd again

And not only "family values" but "personal responsibility". Take a look:

'Mallard Fillmore' creator arrested for DUI

Hoosier Edward Bruce Tinsley, creator of the conservative comic strip Mallard Fillmore, was arrested in Columbus Dec. 4 and charged with operating a vehicle under the influence -- his second alcohol-related arrest in less that four months, according to the Bartholomew County Sheriff's Department.

Tinsley, 48, who lives in Columbus, had a blood-alcohol level of 0.14 -- almost twice the level at which an Indiana driver is considered intoxicated. He posted $755 bond.

On Aug. 26, Tinsley was arrested for public intoxication, according to the sheriff's department. Mallard Fillmore, about a conservative duck, appears in almost 400 newspapers nationwide, including The Indianapolis Star.

Do liberals get arrested for drunk driving too? Of course they do. That's not my point. The issue is conservative hypocrisy. The conservatives inflict their self-righteous, moralistic judgment on the rest of us and then expect a pass when they're the ones caught being irresponsible.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Yes, that's exactly my problem with the whole neo-con mentality: it sets people up for an even bigger fall, and instills an attitude of uncaring separation in others around.


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