Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Another picture of the"surge"

This article is called, "Intervention needed, stat: Nobody intelligent thinks the 'surge' will do anything except get more people killed" and here's how it gets started:

Imagine a mentally ill person who persists in jamming a fork into an electrical outlet, badly burning himself. "Next time it will feel good!" he keeps saying. Finally, after getting out of the ol' bughouse (and out of restraints) he calls a press conference to say he has changed.

"Tomorrow I will jam a fork into the top outlet with my left hand and a fork into the bottom with my right hand," he says. "I am confident that will bring us success, and that my enemies have misunderestimated me."

That's George "Captain Ahab" Bush, who the press persists in treating as a sane and rational person worthy of respect. He is not.
Nobody intelligent thinks the "surge" will do anything except get more Americans and even more Iraqis killed. There are some military men who think if you threw in a few hundred thousand more, we could hold Iraq in some kind of a sullen, Roman- or British Empire-style long-term occupation.

Except we don't have the money, men or will to do that.

It's really going to be interesting to see how this all plays out. Probably it will play out badly. It's a pity we all have to stand by and watch more or less helplessly. Of course we can all send emails of protest and I hope everybody has.

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