Friday, March 02, 2007

Police State

Senator Russ Feingold

This was stated on the Senate floor on October 25, 2001 by Senator Russ Feingold:

Of course, there is no doubt that if we lived in a police state, it would be easier to catch terrorists. If we lived in a country that allowed the police to search your home at any time for any reason; if we lived in a country that allowed the government to open your mail, eavesdrop on your phone conversations, or intercept your email communications; if we lived in a country that allowed the government to hold people in jail indefinitely based on what they write or think, or based on mere suspicion that they are up to no good, then the government would no doubt discover and arrest more terrorists.

But that probably would not be a country in which we would want to live. And that would not be a country for which we could, in good conscience, ask our young people to fight and die. In short, that would not be America.

Of course, all those things that Feingold spoke against have actually come to pass with the possible exception of the police searching our homes for any reason. Tragic.

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