Thursday, March 22, 2007

What's Karl hiding?

This is part of an email I got today from ActForChange:

The Bush Administration is still struggling to explain why eight U.S. Attorneys were abruptly dismissed last December. Recently released documents, however, show that heavy partisan pressure was being applied to replace these independent prosecutors -- including at least one who was pursuing a Republican congressman on high-level corruption charges -- with "Bushies" loyal to the administration.

Those documents also show a very high level of White House involvement in the decision to fire these attorneys -- most notably by Karl Rove and Harriet Miers. Indeed, the candidate who has now replaced a U.S. Attorney fired in Arkansas was a aide to, and protege of, Mr. Rove -- with relatively little prosecutorial experience, but lots of
experience suppressing minority voters in the 2004 election.

Click here to tell Karl Rove: Tell the truth about your role in the purging of U.S. Attorneys.

The Bush administration's shifting explanations just don't hold water anymore, and Congress is now determined to get to the bottom of the matter. If, as it currently appears, the administration sought to obstruct justice in this affair, this would represent an unprecedented and dangerous politicization of our Federal judiciary system.

There's only one way to get to the bottom of this affair, and that's for Congress to exercise its oversight role -- including hearings with sworn testimony from White House officials such as Rove. So far, the White House -- under the flimsy excuse of 'executive privilege' -- is resisting Congressional demands for testimony under oath. But if they have nothing to hide, why not let Rove testify under oath? Anything less would be a clear cover-up of wrongdoing.

I've signed the petition. How about you?

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