Saturday, May 19, 2007

Global warming development

I'm sorry to report to you that matters are even worse than we thought. The article I'm calling to your attention is entitled "Earth’s Natural Defenses against Climate Change ‘Beginning to Fail’" and it's published by The Independent. Here's how it gets started:

The earth’s ability to soak up the gases causing global warming is beginning to fail because of rising temperatures, in a long-feared sign of “positive feedback,” new research reveals today.

Climate change itself is weakening one of the principal “sinks” absorbing carbon dioxide - the Southern Ocean around Antarctica - a new study has found.

As a result, atmospheric CO2 levels may rise faster and bring about rising temperatures more quickly than previously anticipated. Stabilizing the CO2 level, which must be done to bring the warming under control, is likely to become much more difficult, even if the world community agrees to do it.

I wonder if we, as a species, will do anything to save ourselves. I really do wonder.

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