Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Large families and the planet

Well here's an interesting title for an article: "How condoms could save planet" And here's part of what it says:

Having a large family should be regarded as an eco-crime, according to a report published today.

The Optimum Population Trust (OPT) said a lower birth rate would help cut carbon dioxide emissions and warned that each UK citizen creates nearly 750 tonnes of carbon dioxide in a lifetime.

Stopping at two children was the cheapest and most effective personal strategy for tackling climate change, the campaign group claimed, and having larger families should be frowned upon as an eco-crime just like leaving lights on, making unnecessary car journeys and throwing away plastic shopping bags. It claimed having a third child increases a family's carbon footprint by the equivalent of 620 return flights between London and New York.

That makes me feel pretty good about having zero children.

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