Monday, July 09, 2007

Some good news about some cats

I don't know if it ever came to your attention that the six-toed cats on the old Hemmingway property were threatened with explusion but they were. Now it appears they can stay after all. The article is from CNN and it is entitled "Six-toed Hemingway cats can stay, city says". Here's part of what it says:

KEY WEST, Florida (AP) -- City officials have sided with Ernest Hemingway's former home and its celebrated six-toed felines in its cat fight with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The Key West City Commission exempted the home from a city law prohibiting more than four domestic animals per household.

About 50 cats live there.
The new ordinance reads in part, "The cats reside on the property just as the cats did in the time of Hemingway himself. They are not on exhibition in the manner of circus animals. ... The City Commission finds that family of polydactyl Hemingway cats are indeed animals of historic, social and tourism significance."

It also states that the cats are "an integral part of the history and ambiance of the Hemingway House."
The cats are descendants of a six-toed cat given as a gift to the writer in 1935. All carry the gene for six toes, though not all display the trait.

Finally a little common sense on the matter.

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