Thursday, January 17, 2008

The despairing middle class

John Aravosis over on AMERICAblog published the following letter this morning:

I am sick of politicians not being clear about what their goals are for this country. I want someone to tell me how they are going to help me and actually follow through with their promises.

What a mess we have become. It is getting so hard for us in the middle. My husband works 60+ hours a week, I work doubles on the weekend. We barely make it. Sure we have health care, which is over 100 dollars a week out of my check, yet we still can't afford to go to the doctor. Oh don't get me started on the economy! We work ourselves to death, never making any more, yet the price of groceries has skyrocketed and gas, well frankly everything has gone up in price. It is pretty sad when you have to pass on feeding your family to pay your utilities, or pass going to the doctor because you can't afford to take the time off work. I am sick of working myself to death so someone can get richer. I am sick of not having quality time with my family so someone can throw a 150,000 dollar party. I am sick of seeing the young men I know in the neighborhood going to die in some God forsaken country so someone can give more money to their rich friends.

Someone please tell me when will the corruption end and the fight for the people begin?

Yes, the rich Republicans are laughing all the way to the bank. All they have to do is stir people up about wedge issues like abortion and gay marriage and those same people will vote against their own interests every time. The stupidity is what depresses me the most, really.

Why can't the Democrats say to ordinary people, "They are USING you. They are manipulating you to vote in ways that will only hurt you!" I just don't see the Democrats spelling it out that way.

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