Monday, March 24, 2008

Our disgusting Vice President

Oh this just makes me sick:

In an exclusive interview with ABC News, Vice President Dick Cheney was asked what effect the grim milestone of at least 4,000 U.S. deaths in the five-year Iraq war might have on the nation.

Noting the burden placed on military families, the vice president said the biggest burden is carried by President George W. Bush, and reminded the public that U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan volunteered for duty.

Sure they volunteered. Because they had no other opportunity to make a decent living. And what about you, Mr. "Five-deferments" Cheney? What did you do when it was your turn to serve your country? Oh, right. I forgot. You told us. You had "other priorities."


  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    He was also informed during an interview that up to 70% of the the American people were opposed to the war. (I saw this myself on tv). He looked blank and dismissively responded, "So?"

    annie c

  2. Yes, I know, Annie. I saw a video of it on the internet. How can ANYONE be so callous?


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