Thursday, September 11, 2008

On our way to theocracy

You might want to take a look at an article by Marjorie Cohn entitled "A Palin Theocracy". Here's its conclusion:

The Republicans know they will lose if they really focus on issues such as the economy, the war, healthcare, education, and the environment. They are hoping that pro-choice women who supported Hillary Clinton will gravitate to Palin because she's a feisty - albeit anti-choice - woman. They are also banking on support from people who cannot bring themselves to vote for a black man.

But those non-evangelicals who back the McCain-Palin ticket do so at their peril. Not only will they continue to suffer four more years of the disastrous Bush policies; they will also find themselves living in a Christian theocracy.

Sometimes I want to say to people who voted Republican the last two times around, "Are you satisfied now?" Clearly, they are not.

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