Thursday, October 30, 2008

He's sure milking his 15 minutes

All right. Here's what John Aravosis says over on AMERICAblog:

Let me get this straight. John McCain finds a guy to be his mascot for Americans who will be hurt under Obama's tax plan, when in fact Joe Mascot does better under Obama's plan than he does under McCain's. And to add insult to injury, Joe doesn't really pay all his taxes anyway - he's delinquent. But somehow that makes him a "hero" to Republicans, and it makes him John McCain's perfect mascot for the campaign - a guy who doesn't pay his taxes and who will benefit more from an Obama presidency. And now, "Joe" has hired a personal manager (read: agent) who hopes to get Joe doing Home Depot commercials and maybe even running for Congress (seriously). What's next, $150,000 outfits and $8,000 make-up jobs? Are there any Republicans left who appreciate the debasement of their party that is happening before their eyes?

Do you know what seriously depresses me? The STUPIDITY of the American people who fall for this kind of thing - who not only fall for it but who relish it. Sheesh!

UPDATE: Ha! Here's a comment on the New York Times article linked to above that articulates my thoughts exactly:

I can’t believe so many gullible people are buying Joe the Fraud’s act. The guy isn’t anything he says he is. Also, campaign finance records show that he gave McCain’s campaign $1,000 prior to meeting Obama “by chance.” The guy was a plant. A total fraud. But so many clueless people in this country buy into this garbage. It’s sickening.

True. It's not only sickening, it's utterly revolting.

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