Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RIP Edward Kennedy (1932-2009)

The lion has fallen. Yes, he was flawed. But he rehabilitated himself and he persevered:

The Kennedy name is synonymous with the Democratic Party. And at times, Ted was the target of partisan campaign attacks. But in the United States Senate, I can think of no one who engendered greater respect or affection from members of both sides of the aisle. His seriousness of purpose was perpetually matched by humility, warmth, and good cheer. He could passionately battle others and do so peerlessly on the Senate floor for the causes that he held dear, and yet still maintain warm friendships across party lines.

And that's one reason he became not only one of the greatest senators of our time, but one of the most accomplished Americans ever to serve our democracy.

His extraordinary life on this earth has come to an end. And the extraordinary good that he did lives on. For his family, he was a guardian. For America, he was the defender of a dream.

-- President Barack Obama

He will be greatly missed. May those of us who hold the same dream dear continue to carry that torch and never give up.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    We won't see the likes of Senator Kennedy again in our lifetime. I am deeply saddened that he did not live to see the change to which he was so passionately for all Americans.


  2. Life is pretty so fast .
    You can't stop it...


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