Thursday, September 17, 2009

Conservative calls foul on the race baiting

I found an excerpt of an article called "Rush Limbaugh hits racial bottom, digs" over on AMERICAblog. The writer, Rod Dreher, is a self-identified conservative. Look at part of what he has to say:

[N]ow we have Rush Limbaugh blaming Obama for black kids beating up a white kid on a school bus. This is what happens in "Obama's America," he said today on his radio show.

How low will these people go? Look, I think it's important to talk about black male violence, or at least as important as it is to talk about any other important social trend. I don't think we should be squeamish about discussing it in a responsible and fair-minded way, despite what the politically correct say. But good grief, Limbaugh is up to something wicked. He's plainly trying to rally white conservatives into thinking that now that we have a black president, blacks are rising up to attack white kids! Christ have mercy, what is wrong with these people?

I won't have anything to do with it, not even tangentially, which is why I took down the post. I can't see this as anything other than Limbaugh deliberately trying to whip up racial fear and loathing of the president. This goes far, far beyond tough criticism of Obama. Does that man Limbaugh have any idea what rough beast he's calling forth?

Mr. Dreher goes on to refer to our shameful and horrific history of lynching in this country. That is certainly one manifestation of the "rough beast" to which he alludes.

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