Monday, July 26, 2010

Just because I like it:

Artist: David Martin

It's the Wikimedia Commons "image of the day".

While we're at it, we may as well look at something Benjamin Franklin said (as he said a lot of really good stuff):

Mankind naturally and generally love to be flatter'd: Whatever sooths our Pride, and tends to exalt our Species above the rest of the Creation, we are pleas'd with and easily believe, when ungrateful Truths shall be with the utmost Indignation rejected. "What! bring ourselves down to an Equality with the Beasts of the Field! with the meanest part of the Creation! 'Tis insufferable!" But, (to use a Piece of common Sense) our Geese are but Geese tho' we may think 'em Swans; and Truth will be Truth tho' it sometimes prove mortifying and distasteful.

Or, to put it more simply: Pride goeth before a fall! :-)

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